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Voices of Cambodia: "Endangered"



Since 2013, a wildlife and nature conservation project in Mondulkiri has been rescuing abused and overworked elephants in Cambodia. Some of the elephants have been used for elephant rides (thankfully banned at the Angkor Wat archeological complex in Siem Reap earlier this year) and for hard labour in the legal/illegal logging industry devastating much of the country's remaining forests and jungles.

I travelled from Siem Reap to Mondulkiri on June 4, 2020, to meet with the founder of the Mondulkiri Project and the Cambodia Elephant Rescue Organization, Mr. Tree, to see how he was coping with the lack of tourism (as a result of the global outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic) that normally funds much of their work and efforts.

The following is a brief glimpse into why this matters…

Thank you for your interest, for watching and for your support!

Warmest regards,

Maggie Padlewska

*Disclaimer: Although I am aware that there are numerous debates pertaining to animal sanctuaries, my current objective is simply to document the stories and voices of people living in Cambodia.

* Special thanks to Mr. Tree, his family and staff for their warm hospitality during my visit.

* To learn more about the Modulkiri Project, please visit:

If you would like to support or donate to any of the people/organizations featured in my videos, or to my independent/unfunded efforts to document and share their stories - please do not hesitate to get in touch via the links provided in each post, or to contact me directly (email:

I sincerely THANK YOU for your interest and support! - Maggie

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