Malgorzata "Maggie"
Independent One-Woman-Crew

Phnom Krom, Cambodia
DEC/2018 Maggie Padlewska
Few things can trigger that pure and exuberant sense of freedom like the unbridled laughter and joy of another...
I live amongst incredible people here in Cambodia, where the victims and scars of its horrific past will forever be honoured, and never forgotten. But the Khmer community also reminds me to embrace the present moment, to celebrate the simple joys that present themselves in life, and to keep leaping forward.
I captured these images in December 2018, as I rode my motorbike past a group of youngsters blissfully launching themselves into a murky pond next to rice paddies and grazing cattle. I joined their giggling siblings, friends and a few elders along the edge of the pond where I captured a moment of infectious laughter that will remain with me always.
I had hoped to print these images in a large sturdy format, to then display them around the pond where they were captured in order to thank and celebrate the joy that this community had so very kindly shared with me.
Unfortunately, due to my lack of financial resources I was unable to execute this portion of my vision.
I am, therefore, sharing these images here, with the hope that they will brighten someone's day - as they did mine.
Let’s not forget to appreciate the simple and most freeing moments in life,
to let loose and kick up our heels once in a while, and to embrace
laughter, beauty, our friends and neighbours, and our natural
environment and playground!