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 (and lens) of a lone WOMAN journalist documenting stories   singlehandedly arounD the globe since 2009... 

  I became obsessed with an idea sometime in the early to mid 2000s, while completing my master's degree in journalism and working part-time as a local news reporter.  There was no such thing as a "video journalist" in the newsrooms I worked in back then...but the fact that new and portable technology soon became available, ignited 

an amazing new realm of possibilities.


My goal was to do all that I possibly could to help bridge the global communication's gap between the stories being covered by the media, and those that were not. I felt a profound sense of urgency to document and share the views and warnings of the world's Indigenous communities and of people whose voices I felt needed to be heard globally but were instead - largely ignored.


While I always thought that I would perhaps write about my personal journey as a lone journalist one day,  I feel that "UNSCRIPTED" may be a more fitting way to share some of the great lessons that I have learned along the way.




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